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           Kidney Care

The Mission for Mercy Kidney Foundation wants to create awareness and sensitize the communities on how to prevent this disease so that they will not lose their loved ones as I lost my family to this terrible disease. We want to see families healthy. In 10 years from now, almost everyone in Kenya will be affected. Sadly, a family of 4 in Kenya, two parents and one sibling, statistics show that one will suffer kidney disease in 2030. If there are 8 in a family in Kenya, at least two will suffer with kidney disease. This sad statistic and with the loss of 3 family members who suffered and died of kidney disease is why I started Missions for Mercy Ministries International.

Mission for Mercy Ministry International has taken the role of changing the catastrophic trajectory of this disease. With extremely limited access to dialysis centers in Kenya, Mission for Mercy Ministry International is looking to partner with other organization and individuals who can help bring these services to people who often travel long distances to access medical facilities. In many cases, the patients are not able to keep up with high visiting demand due to lack of transportation of which they end up dying in their homes. Many families affected by this disease are suffering from severe financial and emotional drain. Over 42% of the total population of 44 million people in Kenya live below poverty line rendering it almost impossible for them to afford any form of medical care.

Using mobile clinics, a team of professional medical care providers as partners, as well as the support of Mission for Mercy Ministries International, we would be able to help many patients that are stuck in hopeless situations in their villages. We are looking to restore hope in the lives of these people giving them a chance to live longer, literally handing them their lives back, healthy and free of pain.

Supporting Mission for Mercy Ministries International is not just supporting a, it is giving people longer and healthy lives, creating opportunity, helping someone realize their dream and keeping families together.


What Is Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is also referred to as Chronic Kidney Failure which is gradual loss of kidney's ability to function. It simply means lasting damage to the kidneys over time. When the damage is severe, the kidneys stop working and dialysis or kidney transplant become the only options to live.


The signs and symptoms of CKD develop slowly and over time. Most of the time there will be no signs until the kidneys are severely damaged. You may notice the symptom through the extra waste and fluids that are building up in your body.

More symptoms include


  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Fatigue and general body weakness

  • Muscle cramps

  • Too much urine

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Itching

  • Trouble catching your breath

  • Swelling on your feet and ankles

  • Chest pain

  • High blood pressure

  • Sleep problems

  • Fever

  • Nosebleed

  • Back pain

  • Diarrhea

  • Abdominal pain


Everyone can get CDK, but some people are at a higher risk of getting in than others. It mostly occurs when a disease or condition impairs kidney function causing kidney damage to worsen over time.

Disease condition that cause CKD include the following;

  • Diabetes

  • Heart Disease

  • Family history of having the disease

  • High blood pressure (Hypertension)

  • Recurrent kidney infection

Stages of CKD

There are 5 stages of Kidney damage that is based on how well the kidneys can do their job, that is filtering waste and extra fluid out of blood. Mild damage as Stage 1 all the way to complete failure as stage 5. At stage 1, the kidneys are able to filter our waste, but in the last stage they work extra hard and my totally fail.

EGFR is a blood test used to measure how good kidneys filter waste from the blood.

  • Stage 1 CKD – eGFR is greater than 90

  • Stage 2 CKD – eGFR between 60 and 89

  • Stage 3 CKD – eGFR between 30 and 59

  • Stage 4 CKD – eGFR between 15 and 30

  • Stage 5 CKD – eGFR between less than 15


CKD Treatment

If you have ESRD/CKD, you will need Dialysis or Kidney Transplant to survive. There are different kinds of dialysis and with your doctor, you can choose one that fits you best.

It is good to note that dialysis does not do everything healthy kidneys can do, you can be on dialysis and experience some complications. But it is far much beneficial as it can significantly prolong your life. You can also choose medical management which would help you live comfortably until your body can no longer function.


This is a process where excess water, solutes and toxins are removed from the blood of the people whose kidneys can no-longer performs these functions naturally. A machine is used to clean your blood.

Kidney Transplant

This is a surgery process performed where a healthy kidney from another person body is put to replace the dysfunctional kidney in the body of a kidney disease patient.

Medical Management

This is a way where treatment is administered to treat the symptoms of kidney failure to help the patient live comfortably until your body can no longer function. This is not treatment for Kidney disease and it will not prolong your life.


CDK Prevention

Anyone can get CKD and the only sure way to be safe is to prevent it because you need your kidneys to live, the same way you need your heart and lungs.

How can you keep yourself and your family safe from this disease?

Here are some of preventive measures.

Live Healthy:

Avoid diets that can lead to other chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure among others. Working out is recommended to keep your body healthy.

Kidney Screening:

Sometimes kidney disease symptoms won't show until it is too late. Get your kidneys screened frequently, every year at least to make sure they are good.

Understand your Risk factor:

If you are at a higher risk like being overweight, diabetic or have the disease in your family history, be on the look out and get medical tests frequently.

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